Tuesday, May 25, 2010

You know, Jose Feliciano, ya got no complaints.

The line from the movie FARGO, when the "funny looking guy" is out on the town with a hooker,
gives, when talking about the star entertainment is " You know, Jose Feliciano, ya got no complaints."
I say AMEN to that, because, Jose Feliciano is one of the greats.
One artist I DO have "complaints" about is this "FERGIE" lamer.
The song "BIG GIRLS DON'T CRY" sucks, plain and simple. It's a stinkin' piece of horse turd on the field of music.


Friday, May 21, 2010


I also heard he is teabagging Karl Rove, or is it "teapartying" with
Karl can't always trust
rumors, but Georgie Porgie, clean
that forehead well !


John Stossel is an ASS CLOWN

What a pathetic excuse for a human being. He's a total clown and I agree 100 percent with the comments on the Young Turks ( ). What a 1970s porn star moustache wearing ass clown this son of a bitch is. Two words for the ASS CLOWN, the ASS HAT,
mothef'er JOHN (ass clown) STOSSEL. ----FUCK YOU---TO ASS CLOWN, JOHN STOSSEL.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Cell Phones Cause Cancer, and other fun new items

150 Year old UnDead talk show host, Larry "LA" King , did a show about cell phones possibly causing cancer, riffing off a study to be released tomorrow, that somehow links cell phone usage and cancer, especially brain cancer. The "experts" on the show, talked about their own cell phone usage, and were quick to say they were using blue tooth or earphones or speakers or whatever. They also said that if a man was carrying his cell phone in his pocket, he might have a lowered sperm count.

OK...last things first. The average ejaculate of males in the US contains
60-80 million per milliliter. The average ejaculate is approximately 2 millileters, so "at one time," an average man has 120-160 million sperm. (The range of "normal volume" for ejaculation is 1.5 ml to 5.0 ml, so the range could be anywhere from 90 million to 400 million.) It takes ONE, that's "1" sperm to fertilize the, you have perhaps 249,999,999 lazy layabout sperm that you could lose and still have a chance at increasing the numbers of an already too high in number population. I'm not worried on that score. Actually, we need to reduce them even more if you ask me. Let's have that sperm count drop to two or three per ejaculation. Give that egg a fighting chance at staying protected, will ya ?

Now, cancer is not a laughing matter and as many people are using cells as their multifunction portable entertainment center, watching movies, tv, playing games, writing text, surfing the net, taking pictures or movies, people are spending time with the cell in a way that even the most loquacious of teenagers did not do with the old land line.

Of course , the cell phone industry says there is nothing to worry about. Yeah, right, and don't pay any attention to that man behind the curtain, right ?

As the late George Carlin said: You ain't cool! You're fucking chilly! And chilly ain't never been cool!"

Words that are overused and if George Carlin was here, he would say this, so here goes.

Three words that NEED to be dropped from usage for overuse and incorrect usage. You SOUND like a fuckin' 'tard if you are using these.
1) "SICK" meaning cool, neat, enjoyable. Look, somewhere along the tracks, you lost your way if you think "sick" is a term of approbation. Degenerates, Hitler, people with incurable diseases are "sick" and that ain't cool. Drop the stupid use of this word and act like a fuckin' grown up, will ya?

2) "Absolutely" - Look, "absolutely" is not a one word language, and yet, many 20 something 'tards are using "absolutely" to answer every question put to them.
From the Free Dictionary dot com
"ab·so·lute·ly (bs-ltl, bs-ltl)
1. Definitely and completely; unquestionably.
2. Grammar
a. In a manner that does not take an object.
b. In an absolute relationship.
Usage Note: For some time, absolutely has been used informally as an intensive, as in an absolutely magnificent painting. In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel disapproved of this usage in formal writing."

3) Actually, this is two, but they are variants of the same idea.
"Off the hook" and "Off the chain". Off the hook and off the chain imply letting some dangerous beast loose, and if that is meant to indicate something cool, then get mauled by a grizzly and see how you like that.

4) Used interchangeably with the foregoing "off the hook" and "off the chain" is a word I hear used so frequently it makes me nauseated. "Awesome". Often, it is a word thrown out there to have some nebulous positive meaning, but really, it just shows an impoverishment of both the user's thinking processes and the bankruptcy of their store of proper words. Seeing Thor come down from the heavens, accompanied by Loki and Frigg, and then, seeing them battle Zeus and the other Greek gods would be "awesome", but getting a pair of tickets to a local basketball game, somehow lacks the luster of actually generally a genuine feeling of "Awe" in a person.

SO, if someone tells you that they are going to a party that is going to absolutely be off the hook and off the chain and there will be an awesome DJ there who is playing some sick records...first, pity them and the school they attended, and secondly, give them their letter "L" for Lamer and Loser, so they can wear it with pride. They earned it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


This gal has got it all, brains, beauty, talent...she friggin' ROCKS!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why do we even bother ?

Day after day, I see real world examples of people who not only don't do their fuckin' jobs, but honest to god, it seems they MUST be on some can't be ecstasy, because they have
too bad an attitude for that. It can't be speed, because they grind along with the speed of molasses on a freezing morning, and they are grossly overweight. It can't be MaryJane, cuz they damn sure aren't mellow and easy going. It can't be booze, cause they aren't staggering and slurring their words. That being said, there is definitely something wrong with a hell of a lot of people working in all kinds of jobs. Here are the signs and symptoms, so maybe someone can figure out what they are on...

1) They don't seem to listen to what you say . Now, you could tell them your name is Bob Jones, and damned if they don't call you Mrs. Washington. You can tell them something very clear, over and over and over, and they still don't get what you said, no matter how loudly, how clearly, and how simply you say it.
2) They have some kind of shitty, "on the rag", bitchy attitude , especially the females.
3) This is related to number three, they are very quick to take offense at anything you say,
and to start using rude and offensive language, showing NO sense of proper customer service etiquette.
4) They don't seem to have an education that goes beyond third or fourth grade. They also seem to lack any understanding of how to spell correctly. This last symptom may be from texting their ass off, most of their lives, using numbers in place of letters such as "L8R" for "later" or
HowRU for how are you...or those cutesy pie deals like BFF (best friends forever) or lmao (laughing my ass off)...SMS has ruined our younger generation for higher brain functions like spelling.
5) They don't seem to give a shyte about their jobs, about the customer, or about anything except killing time while on the job, and figuring out what they are going to do when they get off.

Honestly, I am very concerned about the future when these kids are running things.
Perhaps I am just an old fogey, but for fucks sake, doing a good job DOES matter, and customers DO matter. And, doing the "clickety clickety click , Everything is taken care of Mrs. Jones" and then dumping the customer, does not solve the problem just makes the next person's job harder, and pisses off Mrs. Jones at the company that pays your salary / hourly wage.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Years ago, when even the Dems were saying the economy was good, and Bushy was singing it's praises high and low, I knew things were going badly. Why? Two things, more and more people were losing their jobs, and giant corporations were posting huge losses every month.

Well, eventually, Georgie Porgie had to use his little fists to screw into his little beady eyes and do his best Henny Penny, the sky is falling, in front of the nation, on TV.

Now, in a sad imitation of the Bizarro World from Superman, where up is down and happy is sad,
Obama's lackeys say that the unemployed roles are up, because there are more jobs ? HUH?

Look, I know our old pal Josef Goebbels said that if you say a lie long and loudly, folks will start to believe it. Goebbels also stressed that the lie must be simple. So, scream it from the rooftops that more unemployed means more jobs, and vice versa, and perhaps, the simpletons will believe it. This, on the heels of one of the biggest single day drops of the stock market in history...around 1000 points.

Look, we are 26 years down the pike from 1984...thats' TWO 13 year cycles...double trouble (and I don't mean the late great Stevie Ray Vaughn's band) for us.

Talk, talk, talk...perhaps, being out of gas means we have plenty, and the IQ of the T-baggers
being very low means they are fuckin' geniuses..

Jesus H..who is Obama's advisor, that mental midget Glenn Beck ?

Friday, May 7, 2010



Thursday, May 6, 2010


I wrote the previous post without having looked at today's news, precisely because I wanted to wait until after that, to see what unpredictable things had happened. Interestingly, THIS
happened today....
"NEW YORK, May 6 (Reuters) - A spine-chilling slide of nearly 1,000 points in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, its biggest intraday points drop ever, led to heightened calls for a crackdown on computer-driven high-frequency trading."

The use of mathematical algoritms, formulae, and prediction computations, are rampant in the world of finance. A prime example is the "formula that almost brought down Wall Street" in Wired magazine, about a Mr. Li and his Gaussian function cupola

A year ago, it was hardly unthinkable that a math wizard like David X. Li might someday earn a Nobel Prize. After all, financial economists—even Wall Street quants—have received the Nobel in economics before, and Li's work on measuring risk has had more impact, more quickly, than previous Nobel Prize-winning contributions to the field. Today, though, as dazed bankers, politicians, regulators, and investors survey the wreckage of the biggest financial meltdown since the Great Depression, Li is probably thankful he still has a job in finance at all. Not that his achievement should be dismissed. He took a notoriously tough nut—determining correlation, or how seemingly disparate events are related—and cracked it wide open with a simple and elegant mathematical formula, one that would become ubiquitous in finance worldwide.

For five years, Li's formula, known as a Gaussian copula function, looked like an unambiguously positive breakthrough, a piece of financial technology that allowed hugely complex risks to be modeled with more ease and accuracy than ever before. With his brilliant spark of mathematical legerdemain, Li made it possible for traders to sell vast quantities of new securities, expanding financial markets to unimaginable levels.

His method was adopted by everybody from bond investors and Wall Street banks to ratings agencies and regulators. And it became so deeply entrenched—and was making people so much money—that warnings about its limitations were largely ignored.


One of my friends in East Texas was telling me that the regional chain of food stores he shops at gives him "discounts" when he uses his "thank you card" during purchases. Apparently, this little euphemistically named "thank you card" keeps a digital record of where he was, when he was there, what he bought, what he paid, how often he bought the items, when he goes shopping, and so on. I told him he should call it his "Fuck You Card", because they are creating a digital profile of him that they can sell to others , including his shopping habits and more, and it makes it easier for vendors to market items to him, much like the music service "Pandora" (ironically named because Pandora opened the box and let all the evils in the world loose) is able to "suggest" music you may like based on your past choices. Unfortunately, as I understand it, many of his fellow East Texans are like him, blissfully in a sea of naivete, thinking it is just a good will gesture of the store, giving you lots of yummy discounts. Remember son, there is no such thing as a free lunch. I think he hasn't a clue about the darker side of digital tracking. I tell you one thing, I wouldn't ever use a Fucking "Thank you card" no matter WHAT the discounts.

Now, I'm gonna sound like my friend Alex Jones, but you must understand that the push toward digitizing everything is not a benign and pointless endeavor. As my pal NfoHackerz sez, "It's all ones and zeroes."

Have you ever wondered WHY the gov has pushed to end analog broadcasts ?

Analog is unwieldy and messy. The analog world doesn't fit neatly in file folders in a computer.

Take a second and Riddle me this Riddler, if you (i.e. the larger you, as in the gov) were really and truly wanting to put a Big Brother, ala 1984 in place, what ONE STEP would be critical in all the aspects of public surveillance and keeping track of citizens ? Gotta hint? Digitization.
Once you have everyone's life digitized, then you can track and manage them. Why does the traffic department want DIGITIZED fingerprints of you ? Why do places want to pay you with a digital money transfer card ?

In those dystopic visions of the future such as 1984 and others, where information is "managed" and only approved versions of history and current events are published, it is vital to have every communication media digitized. With a digital audio file, I can make all kinds of weird and improbable things "real". With digital versions of video, I could make Bush shake hands with Attila the Hun. Total data control (TDC) is the goal of governments. Tracking, quantifying, qualifying, and storing, bits of information about ALL of us, is something that is not a new goal. The Romans had a census for various reasons, taxation being only one. It has seemed that , throughout history, the more horrible, the more tyrannical a government is, the more they want to abolish the rights of certain classes, the more they want to make their own version of history be the only one available, the more interested they are in numbers, in "metrics" and in keeping extremely accurate counts of everything. In short, being "anal" about things, is also a trait of assholes in government. One prime example is Nazi Germany. As a "half-Jew", knowing that some of my distant relatives were probably murdered by these sick bastards, I have used due diligence in becoming as knowledgeable about Nazis as possible. Their "attention to detail" is mindboggling. In one concentration camp, not only did they keep track of which prisoners had head lice, not only did they count the individual lice on each individual prisoner, but they further classified and MEASURED the size of each louse found on each prisoner's head.

In fact, I propose that we can measure the possible evilness of a government by measuring their tendency to apply metrics to everything and everyone, to a bizarre level of detail.

The Communists in Russia, kept jars containing personal items which had been in contact with certain people that they felt bore watching, and would keep stacks and stacks and rooms and rooms of these, dutifully labeled, because they thought that keeping the items in airtight jars would "concentrate" the scent, and if they ever had to track the person, using dogs, all they had to do was to open the jar and let the dogs sniff the scented item(s).

The Chinese emperors, not the nicest bunch of cats in the world, were also obsessed with counting and keeping track of people and things.

This brings up another point, and that is, I assert, that the more evil the regime, the more bureaucrats and the more intricate their bureaucracy.

This latter point is merely the logical extension of the previous points, and goes hand in hand with the preceding points.

Now, why in God's name , do the evil people, want to keep good records on people, their comings and goings, their purchases, their communications, etc.? Why? It's simple. Because, they , being he heartless mechanistic bastards they are, labor under the misguided idea that metrics equals being able to predict things. Many people who roll in the slimy mire of an idea that they are "scientists" or "skeptics" or "financial wizards" actually think that mathematics is the key toward being able to predict world events , the actions of people, etc..

Just like in the movie in which there is a Department of Future Crime, or something like that (I think the movie is from another of the Phillip K. Dick novels or short stories), these dumbass bastards are sold on the idea (by other idiots) that somehow, if you apply the right formula, and widget it around a bit, you can predict social movements, human behavior, political trends, etc..

Now, I contend that this is so much bullshit, and that predicting some things is far easier, and some things, are just outright impossible to predict. Think about our present situation. More people are getting out of jobs, prices continue to rise, some morons are agitating the work up the redneck fringe, and their counterparts in the north, and atop all of this, health care is getting in more of a mess BECAUSE Obama didn't have the cajones to stand up to the repubs and use the bully pulpit and the demo majority and ram through a single payer plan. Gas prices go up, less people can go on vacations, smaller tourist towns hurt, more people lose their businesses, and more people lose their jobs, so, we don't need to dig up Michel de Nostradamus to predict that something uncool is brewing right here in River City.

You don't tell the mentally challenged giant of a kid over and over that the little kid is making fun of him over and over without Doofus knocking the holy shit out of the poor Dweezil you're lying about.

But, for every predictable event, there is an equal and opposite unpredictable one. For example, a UFO might land and threaten us, and Ronald Reagan's "fantasy" of all of mankind linking hands and singing kumbaya against a common enemy, could happen.

Look, as many high tech computers as there are, as many math wizzes there are, they can't even predict the friggin' lottery numbers before the fact. And, with that, you are just talking about a finite number of balls, finite number of combinations , etc., something far less complex and unpredictable as human behavior and world events (such as an asteroid bashing into Earth without warning).

Believe you me, if being calculating, exact , scientific, and number conscious, could be a winning combination, Nazi Germany would have won the war, and Einstein would have devised his own personal lottery winning machine. But, it isn't.

Let's see Bruce Bueno de Mesquita win the Power Ball lottery by accurately predicting just the winning numbers. If he could do that, over and over and over, then possibly I would be on my way to saying "perhaps he has something there", but he hasn't, he won't, and I rest my case.

The last echoing tones of the Screaming Guitar


While reflecting on the horrible state of so-called "popular music", it is clear that the current crop of tunes, is NOT rock and roll, but a mixture of lounge singer music, bubble gum music, a version of Men Without Hats "SAFETY DANCE", and the Perry Como skit that Second City TV used to do.

You can tell it from the beginning of these new "tunes". No good back beat, no screaming guitar, no screaming vocals, no pounding short,. nothing worth anything. The monotonous dronings of The Fray, Uncle Kracker, Michael Buble, Failure, Taylor Swift, the "Video Killed the Radio Star" wannabe tune from Owl City about fireflies....they just suck so bad...I wish I could use the "new music" to vacuum my carpet with, because I am sure the high suction value would clean my carpet better than my current vacuum cleaner.

But, among the more obvious horrible tunes, there lurks one that unfortunately, many people say they like. It is the whining, co-dependent ("I need you now") , alcoholic ("I'm a little drunk"), masochistic ("rather hurt than feel nothing at all") booty call tune by Lady Antebellum.

For a similar sounding, but infinitely classier song, with a better message, try
BERING STRAIT'S tune, I could use a hero

One of the new artists I do like, who doesn't sing Rock, is Jason Mraz, with
the reggae sounding tune "I'm Yours". Take a listen at it.
Some may say, Code, why are you so tough on these new artists ?

Well, for several reasons. I LOVE MUSIC. I loved rock and roll, it's ability to make my heart beat fast, my eyes light up, get my adrenal pumping. With old school rock and roll, it could get you ready to fight if you needed to, or make love if you got the chance was a General Motivation Stimulus, but nowadays, the tunes from most of these vapid, banal, Perry Como Monotones, just makes you want to have a nice long bowel movement. Music to Shyte By, is all you can call it. Come on my droogs, can you envision getting amped up as a soldier to kick ass and take names listening to Michael Buble's "I JUST HAVEN'T MET YOU YET".

Has our younger generation been numbed to the point of thinking that Owl City's
FIREPLIES is rock and roll ?

Where are modern artists having the balls to do tunes like Aqualung ?

Where are the Thin Lizzy groups ?

or this Thin Lizzy classic (Love it...has that New Jersey feel to it)

Where are the Southside Johnny and the Jukes of today ?
or where the hells are the Johnny Lyons of SJandtheAJ
It's been a long time...


Gosh and by golly WoW. If Medical Doctors tried to design a poodle, they would come up with a Duckbill Platypus. Well, look at the results of medical doctors (MDs) giving a guy a new face through a face transplant,
and by the way, this was the second patient to be so "gifted" with a new face. Gosh and by Golly Wow.

Was the whole team of surgeons big fans of Picasso ?


I think that, on the crazy meter, our country has hit the bright red line of demarcation at which, the country is crazy as a loon. WHY?
Failure Shit, known to everyone else as Taylor Swift, has been named as the new Cover Girl girl . WHAT THE F*CK ?

Look, why pick her, when there are real beauties who sing great tunes like Jewel and Colbie Caillat to pick from.

To prove my point...see these///first, Failure Shit (top of page)
Then, check out Colbie
And last but not least, Jewel