Sunday, May 9, 2010

Why do we even bother ?

Day after day, I see real world examples of people who not only don't do their fuckin' jobs, but honest to god, it seems they MUST be on some can't be ecstasy, because they have
too bad an attitude for that. It can't be speed, because they grind along with the speed of molasses on a freezing morning, and they are grossly overweight. It can't be MaryJane, cuz they damn sure aren't mellow and easy going. It can't be booze, cause they aren't staggering and slurring their words. That being said, there is definitely something wrong with a hell of a lot of people working in all kinds of jobs. Here are the signs and symptoms, so maybe someone can figure out what they are on...

1) They don't seem to listen to what you say . Now, you could tell them your name is Bob Jones, and damned if they don't call you Mrs. Washington. You can tell them something very clear, over and over and over, and they still don't get what you said, no matter how loudly, how clearly, and how simply you say it.
2) They have some kind of shitty, "on the rag", bitchy attitude , especially the females.
3) This is related to number three, they are very quick to take offense at anything you say,
and to start using rude and offensive language, showing NO sense of proper customer service etiquette.
4) They don't seem to have an education that goes beyond third or fourth grade. They also seem to lack any understanding of how to spell correctly. This last symptom may be from texting their ass off, most of their lives, using numbers in place of letters such as "L8R" for "later" or
HowRU for how are you...or those cutesy pie deals like BFF (best friends forever) or lmao (laughing my ass off)...SMS has ruined our younger generation for higher brain functions like spelling.
5) They don't seem to give a shyte about their jobs, about the customer, or about anything except killing time while on the job, and figuring out what they are going to do when they get off.

Honestly, I am very concerned about the future when these kids are running things.
Perhaps I am just an old fogey, but for fucks sake, doing a good job DOES matter, and customers DO matter. And, doing the "clickety clickety click , Everything is taken care of Mrs. Jones" and then dumping the customer, does not solve the problem just makes the next person's job harder, and pisses off Mrs. Jones at the company that pays your salary / hourly wage.

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